Physical health and mental health are linked. Try to eat healthy, get enough sleep, and cut down/out unhealthy habits like smoking, alcohol, and drugs. Three 45-minute exercise sessions per week can improve your mental health.

Need to get moving? These tips from ReachOut will help you get motivated. Check out these ways to exercise that don't feel like exercise! This free Nike+ Run Club app tracks your running and helps you reach your goals.
Don't forget that PCYC Moree has a lot on offer too!

Do you feel pressure to have a perfect body? Your body image is the way you think and feel about your body (shape, size, and weight). Body image issues can lead to eating disorders. This Project Rockit video tells you more about eating disorders. If you need help, you can chat online anonymously with The Butterfly Foundation or call 1800 33 4673. The Recovery Record app can help too.
These 5 Insta-nutritionists give good healthy-eating advice. And remember that how we sleep affects how we feel. Healthy Kids have a bunch of wellbeing apps to help with eating and sleeping. Head to Lofi Girl for beats to chill/sleep to, or download the free Insight Timer app for music and guided meditations!